Sitting before the Lord this morning I’m like a little kid emptying out my pockets, except that its my heart I’m laying out.

There are the pebbles I’ve picked up, mostly small ones, a few beautiful, a few unsightly. Small bitterness’ and frustrations from the last while set on the table; I don’t need them any more.

There are candy wrappers and shiny coins in the mix. The moments that warmed my heart and made me glad. These thankfulness’ I release as well into the vault of heaven.

There are papers, small scraps written in many hands with requests for many things. Though paper these requests and needs of others press down on me the most. They weigh the most in the pockets of my heart. These I turn over to the one who can carry them better than I.

Battered old little cars, plastic animals, a polly pocket doll, a ring made out of tin, all these well-worn hopes and dreams I also empty from the pockets of my heart. But these ones don’t go on the table, they are directly transferred to the heart of my King.

God takes them unto self; here they are kept very well.

And like any kids pocket in any pair of well-worn jeans I too need a good washing. Scrubbed of remaining lint and those bits of dirt and sand that always seem to accumulate I am freshened.

Prayer, meditation, contemplation are profound opportunities to empty our pockets of what seems so dear and what weighs us down.

And in exchange we take on the gladness of the Lord.

Pressed down through our being.


Made glad.

Ready for a new day.

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