Harnessing Your Life Forward – Coming into the work of the Lord we often leave behind the messy and shame based parts of our experience. This leaves only a portion of our lives available for the Lord to use. His most profound influence through you is by taking the messy parts, renouncing the shame, and harnessing all of our lives for Him.

Refusing Disqualification – It is us who hold ourselves apart from God. He has broken down all the barriers but still we find it hard to really give over our whole lives. Refusing disqualification is a powerful conversation that releases us to go forward like never before.

Reconciling Gender, Gifts Found in Ministry to Each Other – I often say that women will never go forward until they have forgiven men and forgiven God for making them women. I often say that men will never go forward until they are stewards of women and children in sacrificial service, regard, and honour. Once these are figured out we walk in profound favour of our Lord.

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